Why We Choose a DTG Printer?

What is a DTG printer? The Direct to Garment printers, popularly known as DTG printers prints digital images sourced from a computer to a textile substrate. DTG printing is also known as inkjet to garment printing. A specially made inkjet printer is used for this purpose. Then why more and more people need a DTG printer?
DTG printing

A DTG printer offers a number of advantages as compared to traditional textile printing. Setup costs are much less, zero even, when compared to the screen printing method. DTG printers are essentially push button operations. You just have to start it and the machine is ready to do its work.

A big advantage of DTG printers are that it is perfect for small orders and the occasional print. Production costs are reasonable. Besides, any textile printing done through this technique are found to be detailed and accurate. Unlike their screen print brethren, the DTG printers does not charge as per colors printed. It follows that the printing is affordable too. The DTG printer inks attach to the fibers directly. The colors seem to be a part of the fabric. Simply put, this print technology is ideal for small quantity printing. It can also be used to print highly detailed images with gradients and shading. Various colors can be applied as well.

The advantages of DTG printing is far more than i listed before. Only when you get in touch with it, you can know more.

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