How to Maintain Your Garments with Heat Transfer?

As we all know, clothes with heat transferred images can usually last a loner time if you washed and dried properly. But how to do? Here are some tips.
Sublimation printing


When washing the heat transferred clothes, the first thing you need do is separate the white garments from the colored ones. At the same time, in order to avoid the garments get rubbed together when they are being washed, turn your clothes inside out. If the transfer is new, wait for a minimum of 24 hours before washing the clothes.

The heat transfer design clothes should be washed with warm or low temperature water. Ideally, you should separate a mix of clothes into different same cloth heaps and wash each same kind of clothes only at one time. Use mild detergent only when washing clothes. Chlorine bleach is not recommended under any condition.

  For more information, you can read the instruction which stated on garment label, or the product application guide.
Heat Transfer Printing

  2. Drying

  The driers we use usually have a high heat, they can cause damage to the graphics, so remember avoid such heat related damage. Besides, turn the clothes inside out to avoid the garments get rubbed together.

  Set the driers on the low temperature mode, and do not over dry the clothes.

You must remove clothes from the drier when they remain a little damp. Put the clothes on to the hangers for their final drying. It is best to dry them by hanging on the age old system of using the clothes line. A word of caution here: do not dry the clothes in direct sunlight as the sun's UV light will fade the cloth colors much faster.

  Sublimation printing garments are common seen in our daily life, learn to maintain the garments will be useful for you.

More information:

   Whatsapp: +86 18105155024                                                                                
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