How Many You Know about Cutting Plotter?

Cutting plotters use knives to cut into a piece of material (such as paper, mylar or vinyl) that is lying on the flat surface area of the plotter. It is achieved because the cutting plotter is connected to a computer, which is equipped with specialized cutting design or drawing computer software programs.
cutting plotter

How to use

User first need to installed a graphic editing software compatible with the cutting plotter in the computer and then enter the text or make good the required graphics. After completion of the required engraved design content, the user issue commands to the cutting plotter through computer. The knife will cut the words and image on the object(vinyl, sticker, decal and so on). Cutting plotter also can be used to cut paper or carved paper thin metallic substances inside.

How to install a cutting plotter?

1. Open the box, first clean out the tape and plotter car crash fixed object;
2. With the supplied power cable to connect the plotter and a power outlet;
3. Using the supplied communication cable connection and computer cutting
1. The tool holder or pen holder insert plotter car holder, fasten the knife
block or a pen holder;
5.Turn on the power;
6.Place the media, put pressure wheel (Note: press the edge of the wheel should be located in the medium, and to ensure the position does not deviate from the work area);
7. Setting parameters (PC portion of the set: a, select the model; b, port and set the flow system set plotter mode selected:. A, set the coordinate origin; b, adjust the tool depth, etc.);
8. Plotter self-test;
9. Transmission of data through the computer detects plotter, normal output is the ready.
Cutting plotter is common seen nowadays, and invest one is really a good idea, especially if you are doing small garment business.

More information:
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