The Common Problems In Sublimation Printing

  With the development of digital printing, more and more people start theri sublimation printing business. But there exist some common problems when transfer printing. Once you know how to solve them, sublimation printing can be easier to you.
sublimation printing

1. The color on the substrate is not bright at all.

We can often see this problem when printing. The images printed on the sublimation paper bright, but after the transfer printing, the color is not as bright as before.

 Temperature is too low, the pressure is uneven or the time is too short all can lead to this problem.

  2.The images are blurry after printing.

If the time is too long when transfer printing, the ink will be spread, and then the image will be blurry.

Sometimes, long time stamping can also make the images have scars after printing.
sublimation transfer printing

3. The images are matte after printing.

High pressure or high temperature will always lead to this problem. Pay attention to control the pressure and temperature is very important.

4.The color of the image is uneven.

Sometimes the color of image is uneven after printing, and the printing product looks so ugly. Uneven pressure or the uneven coating on the substrate can be the main reasons for this problem.

5. The image on the substrate is easy to fade.
  This is a terrible problem. Customers will never receive the faded products. If you meet this problem, please turn up the temperature or spend more
time on printing.
dye sublimation printing

  Printing on the sublimation paper is an easy process, and I do believe that with this knowledge, sublimation printing will be easier for you.

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