Dye Sublimation Printing VS DTG, How to Choose?

Dye sublimation printing and DTG are both the popular printing technologies, and many people don’t know the difference between them. Today, we will have an introduction for both of them.

Dye sublimation printing is the process of printing onto the sublimation transfer paper, and then transferring that image onto fabric. The ink is heated until it disintegrates into the corresponding fabric. That makes the ink long-lasting, and you’ll never have the unfortunate “peeling” effect of a well-worn t-shirt.
sublimation printing

DTG is pretty much like using a printer to print on fabric. Because it works like a printer, it can support the most detailed design, with as many colors as you want. The printer can only print one garment at a time, which makes it perfect for printing one-off t-shirts.
DTG printing

These two different printing methods has their own advantages and advantages. Here is a list.


Sublimation Printing

1. Prints seam-to-seam (all over the garment)
2.Extensive color options
3. Maximum detail in design
4. Suitable for small batches

1. Not available on all garments
2. No volume discounts
3. Not large-order friendly

DTG Printing

1. Extensive color options
2. Maximum detail in design
3. Suitable for small batches
4. Minimal upfront investment
5. Easily customized design

1. Not cost effective for extremely large batches
2. No volume discounts
3. Limited design placement

Then when should you choose DTG printing? Here are 2 conditions:
1. If you can’t determine the quantity you really need, and you’re planning on doing everything one-off and drop-shipped, you should choose DTG.

2.  If your design involves many different colors, intricate details or photography images, then DTG will be your best shot.

  Now, have you get it?

More information:
   Whatsapp: +86 18105155024                                                                                
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