If You Are Still Printing with Conventional Methods, It’s Time to Change

  Nowadays, advanced technology make people’s work becomes easier and easier. Digital dye sublimation printing is one of the product of advanced technology. Compared with conventional methods, dye sublimation printing has many advantages.
sublimation printing

  1. Time
  There is no doubt that time is money. If you know dye sublimation printing , you will know that the whole process can take less than 20 minutes from design through to production. It is much quicker than the traditional printing methods.

  2. Working space
sublimation printing  If you want to print something (even the things are small) with traditional methods, you will need a large space to put all kinds of materials. But for sublimation printing, we have different size printer for you to choose, and help you save a lot of space.

  3. Less waste
  Whilst digital dye sublimation printing does often involve the waste of the transfer paper, reduced wastage occurs in the ability to produce both short and long runs of a required print.
Designs can effectively be “made to order” or samples can be produced conveniently and efficiently without having to waste extra materials or substrates.

4. Save energy
  Earlier models required the user to physically change the inks to keep the print run going, but recent models such as the Texart XT-640 allow for unattended ink switching – no longer is the machine running idle until the ink has been switched but it can continuously run for hours of uninterrupted printing.
sublimation printing

  5. Less costs
  With the development of printing technology, no matter the machines, sublimation paper, or the sublimation ink become cheaper and cheaper, and it doesn’t cost much to start your sublimation printing business.

sublimation printing  6. Flexibility of production
  No matter you want to print personalized, one-of-a-kind items or for mass producing a variety of custom products, dye sublimation printing can meet all your requirements. It both has desktop printer and large format printer, just choose the right size, and then you can start your sublimation printing journey.

  We are a professional supplier of sublimation printing materials, and we can offer you one-stop sublimation printing solution. Welcome to contact us if you have any question.

More information:
   Whatsapp: +86 18105155024                                                                                
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