CISS, What Do You Know About It?

CISS (Continuous Ink Supply System), a method for delivering a large volume of liquid ink to a comparatively small inkjet print head. We all know that the original sublimation ink like Epson original ink and Mimaki original ink are very expensive, so many customers would like to choose the replacement ink. But before using the replacement ink, we usually suggest them install the CISS for their printer. Then, what is CISS? Many people dont know the answer.

How Does CISS Work?
CISS has a number of external tanks that supply ink to the OEM ink cartridges, the number of which depends on how many cartridges a particular printer uses in standard form. At first CISS utilized ink bottles with a supply tube and an air filter. However, this design proved unable to provide a steady flow of ink and the bottles were replaced by vessels utilizing Mariottes Bottle principle, which provided the ability to provide a steady flow of ink to the print head regardless of the quantity of ink remaining in the vessel.

The advantages of using CISS
1. Save up to 95% on printing costs (YES, up to 20 times cheaper !) compared with ordinary ink cartridges
2. It is conveniently sold full with the ink equivalent of up to 28 sets of ordinary ink cartridges, and you will not refill it for a (very) long time
3. The printing quality is similar to that obtained from using ordinary cartridges.
CISS for Epson

CISS can not only increase the printing capacity, but also help us save a lot of money from buying original ink. But one problem is that not all inkjet printers can use the CISS. If you want to install one, please tell us, and we can help you check whether you can use it or not.

More information:
   Whatsapp: +86 18105155024                                                                                
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