How to Use the Sheet Transfer Paper?

   We usually divide sublimation paper into 2 types: the roll sublimation paper and the sheet sublimation paper. Both of them are very common in the market. Today, we will discuss the instructions of sheet transfer paper.

 roller heat press machine

  The common sheet paper are in A3, A4 size, but some customers will customized sheet transfer paper in other sizes. But according to our experiences, the weight of paper should be as heavy as possible when in sheet size, especially the A3, A4 size. Because the low-weight transfer paper are easy to crimp after cutting, it will influence the printing quality and damage the print heads.
 sheet transfer paper

  When we choose the sheet transfer paper, we usually use the flat heat press machine to transfer the images. Here are some suggestions when printing with sheet transfer paper.

  1. Do many tests before mass production, and make sure the pressure, time and the temperature are appropriate.

  2. Pre-transfer but also on the dye sublimation transfer paper patterns and fabrics blowing rectify pack, removing scraps of paper on the fabric and sublimation transfer paper, cilia and other attachments, so as to avoid the debris is sandwiched between the dye sublimation paper and fabric printing defects caused .

  3. Pay attention to the heat press machine. As we all know the temperature is very high when pressing, it is not allowed to put your hand into the next hot plate, pay attention to avoid the heat burns.

  Compared with roll heat press machine, the only difference is the size and applications. People usually use sheet transfer paper for some little items, like mugs, plates, hats, key rings and so on. The sheet paper are not only for people who want to do such the little business, but also suitable for people who want to DIY at home.
application of sheet sublimation paper

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